MD Group Gift Giver – data cleanup for inactive stores
Hello everyone! Similarly to what implemented for MD Vendor System in April 2020, I am announcing today a new recurring cleanup process for all the users and stores using MD Group Gift Giver and which have been flagged as not active anymore.
The cleanup process will start initially on January 1st, 2022 and will run monthly.
An inactive store is one which:
- its gift givers haven’t been contacting the MD Labs server for the past 3 years;
- have not performed any transaction for the past 3 years;
The cleanup process will delete every information about the inactive stores, including (but not only):
- givers;
- transactions;
- manager list & blacklist;
The stores/users which have been using MD Group Gift Give may want login the MD Labs Online Services page , go to the MD Group Gift Giver section and export their data with through ‘Store Management’ tab before the cleanup process begins.
Please contact me in-world or on discord if you have any question.